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G.S.B.S MEDICAL TRUST is an organisation that provides quality and affordable healthcare through its four medical centres – two in Dadar, one in Dharavi and one in Mahim.

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About Us

G.S.B.S MEDICAL TRUST is an organisation that provides quality and affordable healthcare through its four medical centres – two in Dadar, one in Dharavi and one in Mahim.

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Free Health Checkup Camp Health Check-up camp at Shri Udyan Ganesh Mandir, Shivaji Park

 Free Health Checkup Camp Health Check-up camp at Shri Udyan Ganesh Mandir, Shivaji Park
GSBS Medical Trust organised a medical health check up camp in association with Shri Udyan Ganesh mandir at Shivaji Park on 23rd April (Sunday) 2023.
This camp was free of cost for the participants. A total of 122 people benefitted from this camp. 
Investigations like BMD check-up, random blood sugar, blood pressure monitoring was done & the following Specialist doctors  examined the participants: ENT Surgeon, Physician, Opthalmologist, Orthopaedic surgeon, Dentist, Gynaecologist, Physiotherapist, Tobacco cessation counsellors and dietician.

The CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) team demonstrated the procedure & a hands-on practical in emergency situations like stopping of the heart beat. 

In this camp, we conducted counseling sessions by the counselors for Tobacco de-addiction (by the Angarakshak unit of GSBS Medical Trust).

There were also diet counseling sessions explaining about the importance of dietary supplements in our day to day life.

This was the third free health checkup camp the Trust has conducted so far in the year 2023.

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