Pathology - GSBS Medical Trust Mumbai

Pathology means the study of disease - its causes and progression. Pathology tests cover blood tests, and tests on urine, stools (faeces) and body tissues.

GSBS Medical Trust offers a wide range of tests, many of which are done in-house. True to our mission, these tests are cost-effective while adhering to global standards of quality and efficiency. Please search for your test below to list available tests and to find the centre closest to you.

  Dadar - Main: 8828843712
  Health Rakshak: 7715026134
  Dharavi: 8828871982
  Mahim: 8828871981

Note: You will need a referral from a doctor before coming to the laboratory for tests. This referral may be from an in-house doctor or from other clinics / hospitals.
Home visit for blood collection is also available.
Certain tests need 12 hour fasting before the blood sample is collected.