Closure of all non-essential medical services on 17th August 2024.

 Closure of all non-essential medical services on 17th August 2024.

The authorities at the GSBS Medical Trust are acutely aware of the horrific killing of a doctor at Kolkata and the subsequent sequence of attacks on the protesting doctors yesterday.
We are in sync with the emotions of all the doctors on this matter and agree that this is an attack on the entire medical fraternity especially the women, and cannot be tolerated. We are in support of the IMA’s call for a closure of all non-essential medical services on 17-8-2024.

However, as the GSBS Centres also perform urgent or emergency services like ECG, 2D Echo, x-rays for injuries, urgent scopies and some urgent blood tests, it’s not feasible to keep the centres closed for the day. We completely understand if individual consultants attached to any of our centres wish to desist from attending on 17-8-2024. Patients are requested to call the respective centre before visiting, for information on the consultant’s attendance.

Yours in solidarity, Board of Trustees – GSBS MEDICAL TRUST.

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