Cancer Detection Camp for Men successfully conducted on 14th February 2023

 Cancer Detection Camp for Men successfully conducted on 14th February 2023

As in the past, the bi-monthly program of Men’s Cancer detection Camp was held in the month of
February, on the 14th, at the Health Rakshak Centre of the Trust.

The Trust is very happy to extend these services to the community at large, as the early detection has
high percentage of curing these cancers (prostrate, lung and oral). The doctors who attended the camp were Dr. Jitendra Sakhrani – Urologist, Dr. Ganga Kudwa – ENT Surgeon.

Mens Cancer Camp Group Photo 14th February

Dr. Sandhya Kamath, Trustee, thanked the entire staff for taking extra care to see that the patients are very comfortable.

Report by
Smt. Gita R.Pai
Trustee & Secretary, GSBS Medical Trust

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