World Breastfeeding Week 2023

 World Breastfeeding Week 2023

1st Aug – 7th Aug is World Breastfeeding Week. This week, we celebrate the natural wonder of breastfeeding and spread awareness of its beneifts, to encourage it as much as possible.

GSBS Medical Trust created some videos out for public interest in commemoration of this week.

The following videos feature the Trust’s Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr. Swapnali Malkar (D.N.B., F.C.P.S., D.G.O., F.M.A.S., M.B.B.S. Gold Medalist, W.A.L.S.)

This video was posted to our Instagram profile:

The full version of this has been uploaded in Marathi on YouTube:

स्तनपानाचे महत्त्व सार्वजनिक हिताच्या हेतूने जागतिक स्तनपान सप्ताह ( १ ऑगस्ट – ७ ऑगस्ट) निमित्त, जी. एस. बी. एस. मेडिकल ट्रस्टने सादर केलेली दूरचित्रवाणी.

वक्ता : डॉ. स्वप्नाली माळकर, स्त्रीरोग व प्रसुतिशास्त्र तज्ञ
(डी.एन.बी., एफ.सी.पी.एस., डी.जी.ओ., एफ.एम.ए.एस., एम.बी.बी.एस गोल्ड मेडलिस्ट डब्ल्यू.ए.एल.एस)
कंसल्टेंट – जी.एस.बी.एस मेडिकल ट्रस्ट

For more on Breastfeeding, browse through the following articles written by another Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist of the Trust Dr. Deepali Prabhat:

We must all aim to remove any myths associated with breastfeeding and spread awareness about its benefits, so that each child can benefit from this gift of nature!

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