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G.S.B.S MEDICAL TRUST is an organisation that provides quality and affordable healthcare through its four medical centres – two in Dadar, one in Dharavi and one in Mahim.

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About Us

G.S.B.S MEDICAL TRUST is an organisation that provides quality and affordable healthcare through its four medical centres – two in Dadar, one in Dharavi and one in Mahim.

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Is Tobacco De-addiction Really Possible? | World No Tobacco Day

 Is Tobacco De-addiction Really Possible? | World No Tobacco Day

Today, 31st May is World Tobacco Day.
Why is Tobacco Addictive? Is it really fatal?
What is the difference between second-hand smoking & third-hand smoking?
Can someone who has consumed or been exposed to tobacco prevent themselves from oral cancer?
And does counselling really help?? Because anyone who has been addicted to tobacco knows how strong the cravings & withdrawal symptoms are!!

The informative video below answers all these questions, and more:

We thank:
Dr. Meenakshi Desai (Trustee – GSBS Medical Trust, President Elect IDA),
Dr. Chhavi M Koranne (MDS, Paediatric and Preventive Dentist & Visiting Consultant at GSBS Medical Trust), 
Dr. Ameya A. Pai (Head and Neck Oncosurgeon, Ex-Fellow : Tata Memorial Hospital & Visiting Consultant at GSBS Medical Trust) and
Ms. Shruti Madgavkar  (Clinical Psychologist & Visiting Consultant at GSBS Medical Trust)

Angarakshak is an initiative by GSBS Medical Trust, aimed at offering an extremely professional tobacco cessation programme (with a dedicated team of physicians, oral surgeons, psychiatrists and counsellors) at minimum costs.
To register yourself or someone else in this de-addiction programme, please contact our Health Rakshak centre at +91-7715026134.

Over the years, apart from conducting tobacco cessation programmes which have been beneficial to several citizens, Angarakshak has conducted many tobacco awareness / addiction prevention programmes in various schools & colleges because addiction starts at a young age and, as Dr. Chhavi Korrane mentions in the video above, those who start at a young age get more severely addicted in the long run, as compared to those who start tobacco consumption in adulthood.

Angarakshak has also conducted these awareness camps at other places such as Matunga Police Station and BEST (Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport). 

The aim has always been to make people aware not just of the harmful effects of tobacco, but also that there is hope of recovery and that they are not alone in this.

And finally, we want to make it possible for every citizen to become de-addicted from the use of tobacco.

Tobacco Addiction Awareness Camp conducted at Matunga Police Station for women officers.

Choose Life, Not Tobacco

Help us help YOU, because TOGETHER, we CAN!! 🙌🏼👊🏼

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