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G.S.B.S MEDICAL TRUST is an organisation that provides quality and affordable healthcare through its four medical centres – two in Dadar, one in Dharavi and one in Mahim.

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About Us

G.S.B.S MEDICAL TRUST is an organisation that provides quality and affordable healthcare through its four medical centres – two in Dadar, one in Dharavi and one in Mahim.

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Inauguration of new Stress Test & X-Ray Machines on Gudi Padva 2023

 Inauguration of new Stress Test & X-Ray Machines on Gudi Padva 2023

On 22nd March 2023, on the occasion of Gudi Padva, GSBS Medical Trust received two gifts from two special donors at its Health Rakshak centre. Ageas Federal Insurance, through their CSR initiative, gifted  a Stress Test machine and Dr. Ajit Gunjikar donated an X Ray machine.

Dr. Suhas Prabhu, President of the GSBS Medical Trust, welcomed the donors and the audience of  the inaugural event. He gave  a brief history of the Trust and also told how fast it is heading towards the Golden Jubilee year. The medical Trust has enjoyed enormous support from this city and now wants to give back to the society by supporting the medical needs of the poor and needy patients in many ways through its Arogyanidhi scheme.  He also talked about how through its Angarakshak Scheme, the Trust is also spreading awareness on tobacco cessation.

Dr. Suhas Prabhu, President of GSBS Medical Trust, addressing the donors & audience

As the technology grows faster and the newer, more efficient machines come in the market, the doctors find more accurate diagnosis of the ailment, thereby the solutions also are faster. Dr. Rajdeep Agarwal, cardiologist, beautifully explained the need of such technologies and usage of a Stress Test equipment. 

As technology grows faster and newer, more efficient machines come in the market, the doctors find a more accurate diagnosis of ailments, thereby the solutions also are faster. Dr. Rajdeep Agarwal (in picture), cardiologist, beautifully explained the need of such technologies and usage of a Stress Test equipment. Mr. Arvind Shahi, Aegeas Federal Insurance’s Chief Risk officer, spoke about the company and said how important it is for them to find the right entity to receive their  donations through CSR.

Sr. Manager, Compliance (Ageas Federal Life Insurance) Mr. Pavan Vyas formally inaugurated the Stress Test machine, on behalf of the company, through lighting the lamp and garlanding the machine.

Well wisher of the Medical Trust and donor Dr. Ajit Gunjikar inaugurated the X Ray machine,


Smt. Gita R. Pai, Trustee thanked all for their presence and the programme ended with delicious snacks, as it was a festive day.

GSBS Medical Trust thanks Aegeas Federal Life Insurance Company for its CSR support, and Dr. Ajit Gunjikar for the generous donation.

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