Free Health Checkup Camp conducted successfully at the Dharavi Centre

 Free Health Checkup Camp conducted successfully at the Dharavi Centre

As things are getting better life has to come back to its normal ways. Encouraged and sponsored by The Goa Hindu Association, GSBS Medical Trust organised a Medical Camp on Sunday, the 24th of April, 2022, for the nearby residents of its Dharavi Medical Trust.

The following tests were carried out with the help of Medical Trust’s specialists: Blood pressure, Sugar, Dental Checkup, Eye testing, Skin Checkup, Gynaecological Checkup and finally consultation with a physician was also arranged. This was all conducted systematically in the camp area. More than 100 patients were examined at this camp.

Mr. Subhash Saraf, President of the Goa Hindu Association and Mr. Rajendra Pai (Secretary of the organisation) came
for a visit. The Medical Trust was very happy to receive them, more so because they took a keen interest in knowing about the Centre, its various departments, services given to the economically needy persons etc. They spent some more time to meet the doctors and also the staff members.

Medical Trust owes the credit for the success of the program to the organising staff members such as Sampada Bait, Reena Kanade and Chandramohan Gadiyar, and also the staff from other centres.

Smt. Gita R.Pai, Trustee, Secretary ,of the GSBS Medical Centre thanked all the doctors for their dedication and the staff members for their sincerity.

Camp news reported by Gita R. Pai, Trustee – GSBS Medical Trust

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